I hope you had a relaxing holiday and I know it wasn’t exactly what we would like to have had but, I hope you and yours are safe and well. While this has been one of those years that seems to have taken forever, it is almost over. And now we’re off and running to the next set of holidays. Happy Chanukah, Kwanza, Christmas and New Year!
I didn’t blog last week and I wanted to take a moment to pause and thank my endlessly supportive customers that have found our crazy-crunchy, organic morsels and enjoyed them in so many ways. Without my husband, Milt, I wouldn’t have come up with these delicious sourdough snack bites. And, without my amazing production team, I know I wouldn’t have been able to fulfill the demand created by the wonderful retailers, I’ve met. The love that goes into the bread is all Milt and the rest of the heart comes from the production team that produces those little beauties and gets them bagged up with me.
We’ve been posting tasty Thanksgiving leftover recipes this week and will keep it up so don’t miss them. Check out the two we’ve posted so far this week for leftover mashed potatoes, Greek Mashed Potato Casserole and Joanna’s 15-minute Turkey Chili with either shredded or cubed leftover turkey. I’m working on some sweet recipes for Margot’s Morsels, too – so stay tuned for those coming soon!
I’m sure you’ve heard but, just in case you haven’t, let Margot’s “Merry” Morsels be your gift of the year…a trio of full-sized packages in 3 different flavor combinations in a cheerful gift-box. Order them online and we’ll ship them directly to your friends and family. And, if the thought of giving a food experience appeals to you, don’t forget about our partner, @SpoonfulofComfort homemade soups packaged with rolls and cookies and you can top them with Margot’s Morsels. The combinations are truly yummy!
And, our diligence in focusing on supporting those small and often, family-owned, grocery outlets, is paying off. We’re now in 19 different stores in 4 states, some with multiple locations. Our latest additions are Draeger’s with 4 bay area locations, Dehoff’s Key Market in Redwood City, 2 Carmel locations: Bruno’s Market and Deli and The Cheese Shop, and Diablo Foods in Lafayette. So, find out if you can stop by and pick up morsels at your favorite small grocery or specialty food store and I’ll add new stores as they come onboard.
Enjoy your holiday home-cooked meals and baking and let me know if you come up with new morsel recipes that you think are special. I’ll try them and post the best on our recipe page and name the recipe after you. Check out “Jeff’s” stuffed mushrooms recipe.
If you’d like me to cover something specific, just let me know at info@margotsmorselds.com. I’ll continue to tell you what’s happening in my kitchen and coax my husband, Milt, to guest blog on his baking adventures. If you are in the San Francisco bay area, come to the farmer’s markets in the North Bay Area and look for us. Right now we’re in Mill Valley and Marin Country Mart in Larkspur. I would love to meet you and find out how you use morsels. Don’t forget to Get Your Crunch On! |